Welcome to Build Pagosa
Build Pagosa’s Mission is to provide a skilled workforce for the Pagosa Springs Community through public-private partnerships, financial support and workforce training.
Our Mission
Build Pagosa’s Mission is to provide a skilled workforce for the Pagosa Springs Community through public-private partnerships, financial support and workforce training.
Safer Growth
Working as a community with the cooperation of local government to ensure safer homes and businesses.
Join Us
Are you a local builder or trades-person looking to make a difference in Pagosa Springs? We would love to have you join us. We meet bi-weekly at the Alternative Home Builders office at 390 Boulder Dr.,
Pagosa Springs, CO.
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Community Education
Educating Pagosa Springs youth in building trades and other vocations, giving them a future beyond high school.
We Need Your Help
The High School Building Trades and Technology relies on private funding for tools, materials, and classroom space. Please consider donating today.
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Community Rejuvenation
Build Pagosa is working to restore and revitalize Pagosa Springs and our surrounding community.
Be A Part of Pagosa History
Pagosa Springs may be a small community, but we've got big ideas when it comes to making our community better.
Partner With Us
Building Trades at Pagosa Springs High School
With generous support from the community, we have established a Building Trades program at Pagosa Springs Highschool. We need your support to continue and add more classes.
Pagosa Area Builders Advisory Committee
We are a committee made up of volunteers whos’ goal is to assist Archuleta County and the Town of Pagosa Springs in matters of building safety, code enforcement, and smart growth. We invite you to learn more about this community effort to better Pagosa Springs through safer, smarter building.
Thank you Pagosa Springs!
In 2023, we raised $150,000 through community fundraising and generous donations. Build Pagosa has secured $650,000 in grant funds with additional larger grants awaiting approval. Our summer internship program was a huge success with 47 students and 36 industry partners, CTE enrollment has increased, and graduates are finding good paying jobs in their desired trades. Plans are being finalized for our future Regional Workforce Center. We are ALL Build Pagosa.
Latest News
Build Pagosa featured on The Pagosa Springs Sun
Building Trades students give back to the community, posted June 11, 2020 READ FULL ARTICLE
June 13, 2020
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The Build Pagosa Logo
Our aim is for the Build pagosa logo to help people recognize what we’re all
June 6, 2019
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